Tal Handaq |
Tal Handaq |
Tal Handaq |
This was my 1CG formroom and so holds many special memories for me. Our form mistress was Mrs V. Watson-Liddell (a teacher I remember with some fondness). Most if not all of my fellow 1CG pupils were a fairly likable group too.
In my my first morning at the school Mrs Watson-Liddell gave out textbooks for all of our subjects and we were told to write our name and form inside the front cover. Of course many books had the names of the previous owners scored out. We also had to copy out our lesson plan for the term and learn which classroom each subject was held in. We were then taken on a tour around the school so that we could learn where our various classrooms were and how to find them.
I remember feeling quite overawed receiving books on subjects like Physics, Chemistry, French and Latin (Civis Romanus and Vergil I think?).
We were then given two exercise books for each subject: one for the lessons and one for homework (a new experience for me). We also received a "Rough Book" for general notes etc.
As well as being our form mistress Mrs Watson-Liddell also took us for French and her husband Mr. P.J. Watson Liddell (a teacher who liked to throw chalk and even the occasional blackboard rubber) took us for Latin.
French and Latin were both taught in this Block-15 classroom.
Mr Watson-Liddell had given some of the 1CG pupils nicknames. Two names I remember in particular are "Beastly" Bratton and "R Squared" for Rosalyn Robertson.
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